Table III Initial Visual 400X

                                       Features                                        notes taken during visual exam   2    

Type   SN    Conn    chip in     rough        rough        scratches      deep                                           
             Half    cladding    spots in     spots in                    scratch                                          
                     OD 1        cladding     core                        or                                            

SMA     41   Plug    very        1 med          -             -             -        small chip in OD 1:30, rough spot at    
                     small                                                           9:45                                    

socket  41   Plug    2 -         1 med, a      7 med,         -             -        trail of seven rough spots across       
                     large       few small     many                                  center 2:30 to 8:30, one in cladding    
                                               small                                 10:30, two at OD 5:30 and 8:00, @40     
                                                                                     smaller rough spots                     

pin     41   Recpt   rough       1 large, 3    2 medium,    one             -        large rough spot at 6:30, med ones at   
                     edge        med,          numerous                              9:30, 11:30, 12:30, center 3:30, 5:30,  
                                 numerous      small                                 polishing scratch center 5:30 to OD     
                                 small                                               10:00, >100 small rough spots           

SMA     41   Recpt    -            -             -          several,        -        polishing scratches, one deep at 7:30   
                                                            1 deep                                                      

SMA     42   Plug     -          2 med           -          several        -         two very small nicks at 2:00 & 4:45,    
                                                            light                    Med rough spots at 2:00, 9:30, light    
                                                                                     polishing scratches, dark spot at       
                                                                                     10:00 is dirt                           

socket  42   Plug    rough       1 med         1 large      several        -         large pit at 1:00 center, rough spots   
                     edge                                   light                    at OD, 11:00 - 2:30, large rough area   
                                                                                     at 11:00, small rough spot at edge of   
                                                                                     polishing scratch at 300, > 50 small    
                                                                                     rough spots                             

pin    42    Recpt   2 large     2 med, 1      1 med, 3     several      1 large     crack or deep scratch from 12-900,      
                                 at crack/     at crack/                             hand polish scratches, 3 rough spots    
                                 scratch       scratch                               at middle of crack, scratch (or crack)  
                                 site          site, many                            through center w/rough spots at         
                                               small                                 center, med rough spots at 12:00,       
                                                                                     2:30, 3:30, 6:00, 9:00, chip in OD at   
                                                                                     3:00 & 8:45, >60 small rough spots      

SMA     42   Recpt    -             -             -         1 small        -         smooth OD, many polishing scratches     

SMA     43   Plug     -          1                -         2 light        -         no anomalies (dark spot is dirt),       
                                                                                     light polishing scratches               

socket  43   Plug   some        16 med,       4 med         several,       -         some OD roughness, pits at 1:00,       
                                several                     light                    6:15, 6:45, 8:15, 8:30, 9:15, 10:00,   
                                small                                                11:00, 11:15, 12:00, >35 small rough   
                                                                                     spots, light polishing scratches       

pin 43 Recpt very many 1 large, 3 1 (may - heavy pitting at OD edge, large rough rough associated med, very be a spot at center 12:00, med rough spots with edge few small crack) at 1:00, 6:00, 6:30, scratch (or chips crack) at 4:30, @10 small rough spots
SMA 43 Recpt - 1 - several, - smooth OD, several light polishing light scratches
SMA 44 Plug - - - several, - no anomalous features noted light
socket 44 Plug some 1 med, several, - large chips in OD 8:45, 10:00, med roughness several light rough spots at 9:15 in core, > 50 2 chips small small rough spots in core
pin 44 Recpt rough, 1 large, - several, - large rough spots at 8:00, rough OD 3 chip very few light w/chips at 3:00, 5:30, 7:45, 9:00, areas small light polishing scratches, 3 small rough spots
SMA 44 Recpt - - - - - no anomalous features noted
SMA M 1 some several some light - @ 10 small rough spots (short) small small
SMA M 2 some several - light @ 10 small rough spots (short) small

1 OD: Outer Diameter

2 Numbers represent radial position of the anomaly (clock position).

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