5.4.1 Visual Examination Following the First Vibration Test

Following the vibration test using the thick bracket, the termini were removed and photographed before and after cleaning. Table 5 summarizes the observations following the first vibration test.

The size and shape of the metal filings found on 42P (Figure 16) suggest alignment sleeve fretting. This fretting occurs when the terminus revolves at some minute angle, around its longitudinal axis (without rotation) abrading the inside of the alignment sleeve. It should be noted that the alignment sleeve for channel 42 was noticeably looser than the others and often stayed inside of the connector when the termini was extracted. Figure 17 compares the condition of the ferrule of the pin for channel 42 and the pin for channel 41. The scratches seen on the channel 42 pin may be indicative of that circular motion inside of the alignment sleeve during vibration. Channel 41 pin does not show these scratches. The slot width of channel 42's alignment sleeve measured approximately 19% larger than the slot on the channel 41 alignment sleeve indicating that there may have been less of a retaining force between the sleeve and the channel 42 ferrules allowing ferrule movement.

The metal contamination found on 43R and 44P were similar to that seen on the rubber grommet due to abrasion between the connector and backshell and are large enough to block the optical path.

Table 5. Visual Observations Following the First Vibration Test

Terminus   Contamination Noted Before Cleaning   New Features Found After Cleaning  

   41P    drops in a circular pattern (water    none                                

   41R    none                                  - scratch similar in appearance to  
                                                existing scratches                  
                                                - feature at cladding outer         
                                                diameter may be contamination or a  
                                                rough spot, located at one end of   
                                                the new scratch                     

   42P    large amount of metal filings of      two or more new rough areas in the  
          sizes ranging between approximately   fiber core and many very small      
          200 m x 4 m to specks less than 1 m   rough spots                         

   42R    large amount of small metal pieces    two new scratches                   
          in the range of 4 m square, most                                          
          much smaller                                                              

   43P    several drops (water vapor)           none                                

   43R    - large metal pieces found on the     - one new rough spot at cladding    
          ceramic ferrule (50 m x 100 m) on     outer diameter with small scratch   
          fiber core.                           emanating from it                   
          - a few drops (water vapor)           - two large scratches, one deep     

   44P    - one large metal piece on ferrule    one new rough spot in cladding      
          (20 m square)                         outer diameter                      
          - drops in circular pattern (water                                        

   44R    pre-existing alcohol residue          none                                

Figure 16. Pre- and Post Vibration Visual Examination (255X) 42P



Figure 17. Ceramic Ferrules of 42R and 41R After Vibration Testing

Following the visual examination, the termini shrink tubing was re-worked. The original shrink tubing had lost its ability to adequately support many of the termini. This degradation was due to the large number of times the termini had been inserted and removed. Following reinsertion of the termini into the connector, an optical time domain reflectometer measurement was taken for each channel. The results showed that all four were making physical contact when the connector was fully mated. A small reflection was found approximately 8 inches from the end of the SMA connector on the plug side of channel 44.

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Webster: Melanie.Ott@gsfc.nasa.gov